Wrapping Up An Action-Packed 2018!
We had an amazing year filled with some interesting changes, a lot of great shows and we met so many wonderful people in 2018. We're really excited for 2019, and will share all those details soon. In the meantime, there's a few more shows left in December before we enjoy the holiday season. Stay tuned to hankandpattie.com for all the details!
Coming up this month:
12/6 - **The Lincoln Theater, Raleigh NC w/Front Country
12/7 - New Village Brewery, Oriental NC
12/8 - Crystal Coast Choral Society, Newport NC
12/9 - Crystal Coast Choral Society, Swansboro NC
** - Hank & Pattie Electric Duo
In a stunning plot twist, Billie Feather assumed the guitar duties in The Current, replacing founding member, Benjamin Parker. Billie possesses two advanced degrees in guitar and is super excited to be back on her primary instrument. As a result, we are proud to welcome the newest member of The Current, Jonah Freedman on bass! Jonah lives in Raleigh NC and also plays part-time in the Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra. He has a great style and a commanding singing voice. We can't wait for you to meet him!
Thanks again to all the fans, venues, supporters and lovers of music who came out to all the shows and festivals this year. 2019 will be a banner year for us, so stay tuned! In the meantime stay in touch!