Feb 2017

Hank, Pattie, and the Current December, 2016 NewsletterView this email in your browser

Howdy Everyone!

We'd like to take a quick moment and wish everyone Happy Holidays! We also want to thank everyone for your support so far. As a brand-new band, we're working every day to get our music out into the world and all of our supporters have been helping us in so many ways. We do have one Christmas wish-- play our music for someone in your life that enjoys bluegrass!  We are working hard on our next album that we hope to have out this Spring on Robust Records.

The vibe of the second album will be a thoughtful maturity as the band has grown and become tighter. There are morose, introspective songs as well as joyful and ebullient tunes that soar. The classical and jazz influences will be more apparent but the record will be rooted in bluegrass and country. One major difference from the last album is that this one will include a string quartet on a few songs. However, similar to the last record, it will all be recorded live in the same room with no overdubs or separate tracking. Right now, it looks like we have a surplus of music. While we will record all of it, some of it may be reserved as bonus content or released on a separate EP later.

We're recording in a secluded mountain house in West Jefferson, NC with engineer, Greg Elkins, who recorded the last collection.

In other news, we've been adding people to the team to help us grow our presence through the southeast.
We'd like to welcome Rachel Harmatuk Pino as our social media manager, as well as Brian Paul Swenk as our manager.

Upcoming Appearences:

Dec 31st.  Hank and Pattie Duo In Aberdeen, NC

Jan 6th. Hank, Pattie & The Current at Beer & Banjos Presents - A Benefit For Hiro at King's Barcade , Raleigh, NC

Feb 4th. Hank, Pattie, and the Current in Winston Salem, NC at Muddy Creek Music Hall

We like to stay active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so please follow us!  To download a digital copy of our album ($7), or receive a real-life physical CD ($10) visit our Bandcamp page.
We are also on iTunes and Amazon